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Malaria | Dengue Fever | Avian and Pandemic Influenzas | Other Infectious Diseases

PREVENT Indonesia Desk Review

The Ecological and Social Dynamics of Land Use in the Wallace Narrows, Indonesia (June 2012)
English (PDF)


Training Performance and Outcome Evaluation, Thailand and Lao PDR (January 2012)
English (PPTX)

Using Participatory Action Research to Create Community-based Campaigns to Reduce the Risk of Malaria, Dengue, and Other ILIs (November 2011)
English (PPT)

Using Knowledge Attitudes and Practices Survey Results to Design Malaria Prevention Malaria Materials in Thai Border Areas (November 2011)
English (PPT)

Malaria KAP Baseline Survey: Local and Migrant Communities in Phuket (December 2010)
English (PPTX)

Chiang Rai Corridor Appraisal -- Communication Implications for Malaria and Dengue Prevention (Sept. 2010)
English (PDF)

Malaria Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey Questionnaire
English (PDF)

Presentation at Mekong Malaria Partners Meeting, 2009-2010 Accomplishments (Sept. 2010)
English (PPT)

Participatory Action Research: An Experience in Mukdahan, Thailand, to Address Outbreaks of Pandemic Influenza, Dengue Fever, and Malaria (May. 2010)
English (PDF)

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Dengue Fever

Training Performance and Outcome Evaluation, Thailand and Lao PDR (January 2012)
English (PPTX)

Presentation on Dengue Participatory Action Research, Mukdahan, Thailand (November 2010)
English (PPTX)

Results of Pre-test of Dengue Counseling Cards, Lao PDR (November 2010)
English (PDF)

What Do Construction Workers Know about Dengue (December 2010)
English (PDF)

Participatory Action Research: An Experience in Mukdahan, Thailand, to Address Outbreaks of Pandemic Influenza, Dengue Fever, and Malaria (May. 2010)
English (PDF)

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Avian and Pandemic Influenzas

Training Performance and Outcome Evaluation, Thailand and Lao PDR (January 2012)
English (PPTX)

Avian Influenza Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study of Backyard Poultry Farmers in Laos (June 2011)
English (PDF)

Lao PDR Flash Reports: Influenza-like Illnesses SMS Reporting (PPTX)
Wave 1, Human Health (March 7, 2011)
Wave 2, Animal Health (March 7, 2011)
Wave 3, Human Health (March 28, 2011)
Wave 4, Animal Health (April 4, 2011)
Wave 5, Human Health (April 11, 2011)

Pre-test Results of H1N1 Vaccine Communication Materials - Laos (March 2010)
English (PDF)

Supply Chain Actor Mapping Report: The Mukdahan Corridor across Thailand, Laos and Vietnam
Part 1 - Overview and Thailand Report
Part 2 - Lao PDR Report (PPTX. December 2010)
Part 3 - Vietnam Report (PPTX. December 2010)

Report of Lao PDR Wet Market Working Group
English (PPT)

Presentation on Assessment of IEC materials for ethnic populations in Lao PDR related to avian and pandemic influenza
English (PPTX)

Presentation from Dissemination Forum: Participatory Action Research in Savannakhet, Lao PDR (August 2010)
English (PDF)

Presentation: Participatory Action Research Dissemination Forum Introduction (August 2010)
English (PDF)

Presentation: Using Participatory Action Research to Form Realistic Avian Influenza Prevention Behaviors (August 2010)
English (PDF)

Proceedings from the Participatory Action Research Dissemination Forum, Vientiane, Lao PDR (August 2010)
English (PDF)

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Other Infectious Diseases

Participatory Action Research: An Experience in Mukdahan, Thailand, to Address Outbreaks of Pandemic Influenza, Dengue Fever, and Malaria (May 2010)
English (PDF)

Presentation: Social & Behavior Change Issues in Implementation of "One Health" (November 2010)
English (PPT)

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Copyright© 2011 FHI360
1825 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 - 5721

The Mekong Infectious Disease Behavior Change and Communication Project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Global Health under Client Associate Award Number GHN-A-00-09-00002-00 under Leader Award (C-Change) No. GPO-A -00-07-00004-00 and managed by FHI 360. The information provided on this site is the responsibility of FHI 360 and is not official information from the U.S. Government and does not represent the views or positions of USAID or the U.S. Government.